Gina Sprint

Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
Gonzaga University

Contact Information




I am an Associate Professor in Computer Science at Gonzaga University. Previously, I was a Clinical Assistant Professor at WSU, a PhD student in the WSU Center for Advanced Studies in Adaptive Systems (CASAS) lab, and a National Science Foundation IGERT (Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship) Fellow in the Integrative Training Program in Health-Assistive Smart Environments at Washington State University. My research interests include wearable computing, machine learning, technology applications for healthcare, and computer science education. Visit my Projects Page to find out more about what I am working on.


Journal Articles

  1. G. Sprint, M. Schmitter-Edgecombe, R. Weaver, L. Wiese, and D. Cook. CogProg: Utilizing Large Language Models to Forecast In-the-moment Health Assessment. ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare, (to appear) 2024.
  2. G. Sprint, D. Cook, and M. Schmitter-Edgecombe HDTwin: Building a Human Digital Twin using Large Language Models for Cognitive Diagnosis. JMIR Formative Research, (to appear) 2024.
  3. D. Weeks, E. Crooks, K. O'Brien, G. Sprint, G. Carter, and K. Honn. A parallel-group randomized controlled trial of blue light versus red light for improving sleep, fatigue, and cognition following stroke: Pilot results and recommendations. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 2024.
  4. G. Sprint. Social Networks and Large Language Models for Division I Basketball Game Winner Prediction. IEEE Access, 2024.
  5. C. Fink, N. Omodt, S. Zinnecker, and G. Sprint. A Congressional Twitter Network Dataset Quantifying Pairwise Probability of Influence. Data in Brief, 2023.
  6. C. Fink, K. Fullin, G. Gutierrez, N. Omodt, S. Zinnecker, G. Sprint, and S. McCulloch. A Centrality Measure for Quantifying Spread on Weighted, Directed Networks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2023.
  7. G. Sprint, D. Cook, M. Schmitter-Edgecombe, and L. Holder. Multimodal Fusion of Smart Home and Text-based Behavior Markers for Clinical Assessment Prediction. ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare, 2022.
  8. M. Call, E. Fox, and G. Sprint. Gamifying Software Engineering Tools to Motivate Computer Science Students to Start and Finish Programming Assignments Earlier. IEEE Transactions on Education, 2021.
  9. P. Fantozzi, G. Sprint, and A. Medina. Pediatric Sarcoma Survivorship - A Call for a Developmental Cascades Approach. Development and Psychopathology, 2021.
  10. G. Sprint, D. Cook, and R. Fritz. Behavioral Differences Between Subject Groups Identified Using Smart Homes and Change Point Detection. IEEE JBHI, 2020. (Check out this IEEE Spectrum Tech Talk article about our BCD-G algorithm here!)
  11. A. Fellger, G. Sprint, D. Weeks, E. Crooks, and D. Cook. Wearable Device-Independent Next Day Activity and Next Night Sleep Prediction for Rehabilitation Populations. IEEE JTEHM, 2020.
  12. D. Weeks, G. Sprint, D. Cook, V. Stilwill, and A. Meisen-Vehrs. Implementing Wearable Sensors for Continuous Assessment of Daytime Heart Rate Response in Inpatient Rehabilitation. Telemedicine and E-Health, 2018.
  13. D. Cook, G. Duncan, G. Sprint, and R. Fritz. Using Smart City Technology to Make Healthcare Smarter. Proceedings of the IEEE, 2018.
  14. G. Sprint, D. Cook, D. Weeks, J. Dahmen, and A. La Fleur. Analyzing Sensor-based Time Series Data to Track Changes in Physical Activity During Inpatient Rehabilitation. Sensors, 2017.
  15. G. Sprint, D. Cook, R. Fritz, and M. Schmitter-Edgecombe. Using Smart Homes to Detect and Analyze Health Events. IEEE Computer, 2016.
  16. G. Sprint and D. Cook. Unsupervised Detection and Analysis of Changes in Everyday Physical Activity Data. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2016.
  17. G. Sprint, D. Cook, D. Weeks, and V. Borisov. Predicting Functional Independence Measure Scores During Rehabilitation with Wearable Inertial Sensors. IEEE Access, 2015. (video)
  18. G. Sprint, D. Cook, and D. Weeks. Toward Automating Clinical Assessments: A Survey of the Timed Up and Go (TUG). IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, 2015.

Conference Proceedings

  1. A. Crandall, G. Sprint, and B. Fischer. Generative Pre-Trained Transformer (GPT) Models as a Code Review Feedback Tool in Computer Science Programs. CCSC NW Conference, 2023.
  2. N. Howard, G. Sprint, D. Weeks, and E. Crooks. A Remotely Accessible Ecological Momentary Assessment and Actigraphy System for ALS Research. IEEE ICDH, 2023.
  3. B. Puryear and G. Sprint. Github Copilot in the Classroom: Learning to Code with AI Assistance. CCSC NW Conference, 2022.
  4. G. Sprint. Teaching Test-driven Development of Algorithms behind Data Science Library APIs. CCSC NW Conference, 2021 (slides).
  5. G. Sprint and E. Fox. Improving Student Study Choices in CS1 with Gamification and Flipped Classrooms. ACM SIGCSE, 2020.
  6. A. Fellger, G. Sprint, A. Andrews, D. Weeks, and E. Crooks. Nighttime Sleep Duration Prediction for Inpatient Rehabilitation Using Similar Actigraphy Sequences. IEEE HI-POCT, 2019 (poster).
  7. G. Sprint and J. Conci. Mining GitHub Classroom Commit Behavior in Elective and Introductory Computer Science Courses. CCSC NW Conference, 2019.
  8. J. Conci, G. Sprint, D. Cook, and D. Weeks. Utilizing Consumer-grade Wearable Sensors for Unobtrusive Rehabilitation Outcome Prediction. IEEE BHI, 2019.
  9. J. Dahmen, A. La Fleur, G. Sprint, D. Cook, and D. Weeks. Using Wrist-worn Sensors to Measure and Compare Physical Activity Changes for Patients Undergoing Rehabilitation. IEEE PerCom WristSense Workshop, 2017.
  10. V. Borisov, G. Sprint, D. Cook, and D. Weeks. Measuring Changes in Gait and Vehicle Transfer Ability During Inpatient Rehabilitation with Wearable Inertial Sensors. IEEE PerCom PerHealth Workshop, 2017.
  11. G. Sprint, D. Cook, and D. Weeks. Patient Similarity and Joint Features for Rehabilitation Outcome Prediction. IJCAI Knowledge Discovery in Healthcare Data Workshop, 2016.
  12. G. Sprint, D. Cook, R. Fritz, and M. Schmitter-Edgecombe. Detecting Health Changes by Analyzing Smart Home Sensor Data. IEEE SmartComp Conference, 2016 (poster).
  13. G. Sprint, D. Cook, and D. Weeks. Designing Wearable Sensor-based Analytics for Quantitative Mobility Assessment. IEEE SmartComp Conference, 2016 (slides).
  14. G. Sprint, D. Cook, and D. Weeks. Quantitative Assessment of Lower Limb and Cane Movement with Wearable Inertial Sensors. IEEE International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2016 (slides).
  15. G. Sprint and D. Cook. Enhancing the CS1 Student Experience with Gamification. IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference, 2015. Winner of the H. Robert Schroeder Best Paper Award (slides).
  16. G. Sprint, V. Borisov, D. Cook, and D. Weeks. Wearable Sensors in Ecological Rehabilitation Environments. ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing: Adjunct Publication, 2014 (poster).


Book Chapters

Peer-reviewed Abstracts

  1. E. Ottman, K. Erickson, G. Sprint, K. Honn, D. Weeks, and E. Crooks. Sleep Characteristics after Acute Stroke Vs. Traumatic Brain Injury. American Physical Therapy Association CSM, 2020.
  2. A. Aamot, E. Crooks, G. Sprint, K. Honn, and D. Weeks. Use of Subjective Fatigue to Predict Cognition in Patients with Acute Stroke or Brain Injury. American Physical Therapy Association CSM, 2020.
  3. K. Lane, E. Crooks, G. Sprint, and D. Weeks. Daytime Sleepiness and Functional Outcomes after Neurological Insult. American Physical Therapy Association CSM, 2020.
  4. K. Erickson, E. Ottman, G. Sprint, D. Weeks, and E. Crooks. Actigraphy-Assessed Daytime Sleep, Nighttime Sleep and Functional Outcomes in Patients with Neurological Insult. American Physical Therapy Association CSM, 2020.
  5. G. Sprint. Mobile App Development: Android or iOS? An Experience Report from Teaching Both Platforms. ACM SIGCSE, 2019 (poster).
  6. G. Sprint and A. O'Fallon. Engaging Programming Assignments to Recruit and Retain CS0 Students. ACM SIGCSE, 2018 (poster).
  7. D. Weeks, G. Sprint, D. Cook, A. La Fleur, and J. Dahmen. Continuous Assessment of Daytime Heart Rate Response During Inpatient Rehabilitation. ACRM Annual Conference on Progress in Rehabilitation Research (PIRR), 2017 (poster).
  8. G. Sprint. Using Smart Homes to Detect and Analyze Health Events. Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, 2017 (slides).
  9. G. Sprint and S. Broschat. CS0: Who is Enrolling? International Computing Education Research (ICER) Conference, 2017 (poster).
  10. G. Sprint. Detection and Analysis of Changes in Everyday Physical Activity Data. WSU GPSA Research Exposition, 2016 (poster).
  11. G. Sprint. Wearable Sensor Data and Medical Records for Clinical Outcome Prediction. Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, 2015 (slides).
  12. J. Dahmen, G. Sprint, D. Cook, and D. Weeks. Physical Therapist Feedback Regarding Wearable Technology. Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students, 2015 (poster).
  13. V. Borisov, G. Sprint, D. Cook, and D. Weeks. Employing Wearable Sensors To Assess Ambulation in Rehabilitation Patients. Inland Northwest Research Symposium: Research and Innovations in Health Sciences from Bench-top to Bedside, 2015.
  14. G. Sprint. Wearable Sensors in Ecological Rehabilitation Environments. WSU Academic Showcase, 2015.
  15. G. Sprint. Wearable Sensors in Ecological Rehabilitation Environments. Dr. William R. Wiley Research Symposium, 2015.
  16. G. Sprint. Wearable Sensors in Ecological Rehabilitation Environments. Amazon Graduate Research Symposium, 2014 (poster).


Gonzaga University Courses

  1. Taught CPSC 122 (Computer Science II w/C++) Spring, 2023; Spring, 2020
  2. Taught CPSC 325 (Data Science Project Lab) Spring, 2023
  3. Taught CPSC 222 (Intro to Data Science w/Python) Fall 2022; Spring, 2022; Fall, 2021; Fall, 2020
  4. Taught CPSC 322 (Data Science Algorithms w/Python) Fall 2022; Spring, 2022; Spring, 2021
  5. Taught CPSC 312 (Android App Development w/Java & Kotlin) Fall, 2021; Fall, 2019; Fall, 2017
  6. Taught CPSC 315 (iOS App Development w/Swift) Fall, 2020; Fall, 2018
  7. Taught CPSC 224 (Software Development w/Java) Fall, 2019
  8. Taught CPSC 310 (Data Mining w/Python) Spring, 2019
  9. Taught CPSC 121 (Computer Science I w/C++) Spring, 2019; Fall, 2018; Spring, 2018

Washington State University Courses

  1. Designed CptS 215 (Data Analytics Systems and Algorithms w/Python) Spring, 2017
  2. Taught CptS 111 (Algorithmic Problem Solving w/Python) Fall, 2016 and Spring, 2017
  3. Taught CptS 121 (Program Design and Development w/C) Summer, 2015 and Summer, 2014