Course Materials for CPSC 427
The syllabus, the course calendar,
other rules/procedures for CPSC 427 are found here.
Handouts common to all of my courses
like installing the virtual machine, cloning my GitHub
repository, instructions for submitting assignments, etc.
Links to sites useful for students of
CPSC 427 can be found here. Some of these will be assigned by
number on the course schedule
Instructions for programing
assignments are here. Keys for some of the projects will be
here, too.
5. Example Programs
Example programs are stored in my
GitHub repository. You can access the repository directly
You can find instructions for cloning
my repository in "Common Handouts," above.
Lecture notes and slides are found at
this link. There will probably be not many of these, since
most of the course will be conducted interactively.
Links to readings and videos
assignment by number on the course schedule
Study guides for tests and keys for
some of the tests are found at this link.